Executive Presence whether in person or ‘virtual’ is designed to influence, engage, and inspire others to act* and is judged and assessed on the basis of others experience your leadership style.  Akin to a brand, your Executive Presence is in the eyes and hands of the beholder.  Following the guiding principles below may help but […]

Whilst everyone is working from home performance appraisal cannot be limited to a yearly downward judgment. Feedback and appraisals play a vital role in building trust and effective superior-subordinate relationships. The data enhances the self-awareness of the individual, increases chances of success, and informs Senior Management of who can stand alone.

We need a new definition of ‘flexible working’. A year ago, the definition of flexible working was clear, for example, if you:  have responsibility for the care, of a child who is school aged or younger are a carer and the flexible working arrangements included changes to: hours of work (e.g. changes to start and […]