Executive Presence Coaching

Executive Presence is contextual and involves being aligned with your stakeholders and the business imperative. Coaching can help you determine which qualities need to be highlighted and how you can develop them further. Platform skills play a part in influencing, engaging and inspiring others but your stakeholders will observe whether you ‘walk the talk’ too. The quality of day to day interactions is key as they form impressions of your leadership brand and assessment of your effectiveness.

During the pandemic Executive Presence was the ability to demonstrate composure in a crisis, grace under fire.  Whereas post Covid 19 Executive Presence will be a combination of resilience, vision, confidence, empathy, and compassion Leaders will need to show   confidence and humility. They will be expected to be decisive but willing to take a ‘U’ turn if they choose the wrong direction. The pandemic has been wearing, we have all made sacrifices although everyone’s experience has been different. Going forward leaders need to display their emotional intelligence by being in tune with their staff, realistic and sensitive when making demands.

Executive Presence coaching is tailored to the individual and the situation to ensure you develop your leadership brand and deliver on the business imperative.

It is not just an assessment it is a powerful development tool. The structured approach to taking in feedback makes it a deeper experience as a result of being able to view feedback against audience types.

The process is both educational and informative. It takes a ‘whole person approach’ and clarifies what differentiates a great leader from a good one.

Video coaching is as good as in person. It feels like we are together in the same room!

I live far from Sally Ann and travel extensively. Video coaching has enabled me to have her support wherever I am whenever it suits. It’s face to face and just like when we catch up in person.

Sally Ann is willing to work flexibly across time zones, borders and budget to suit her client’s needs.

Developing Executive Presence on an individual level

  • This one-to-one tailored development programme is ideal for anyone who wants to build their leadership brand and enhance their influence with key stakeholders.
  • It is based on the ExPITM for top executives and high potentials and develops the 3 dimensions of executive presence: Character, Substance and Style.
  •  Feedback from key stakeholders provides the leader with valuable knowledge and insight into how people experience their leadership style.
  •  The bespoke coaching focuses on the actual leadership and business challenges and tangible tools to motivate and inspire others, drive vision, strategy and results.

Executive Presence Coaching can include:

  • Bates ExPI™ Assessment , Feedback, Leader Report and Bates ExPI™ Development Guide.
  • Three to six months coaching engagement with unlimited access to your executive coach.
  • One-on-one coaching sessions and adhoc fortnightly calls.
  • Tangible Development Plan.
  • Follow up exercises
  • Three way meetings with your manager and coach.
  • Shadow coaching in your own organisation.
  • Development of presentation skills and personal impact
  • Media training that enhances your reputation by creating the right impression
  • Advice on your executive style with a professional stylist.